A well-planned strategic board agenda sets the tone for your meetings. It will ensure that your members are actively involved in discussions and decision-making. It also facilitates the sharing of new perspectives and ideas. However, the secret to a winning board agenda is much more than just creating a list of topics for your meeting. It takes a certain amount skills, talent, and discipline.

When planning your agenda, make sure to include time limits for each item. This will stop meetings from running over time, and ensure that important issues are given proper attention. Prioritizing and balancing strategic long-term https://freshboardroom.com/what-is-membership-management-software/ issues with reports and other business is equally important. It is usually better to keep the discussion of strategic goals at the top of the agenda and defer reports to the end so that your board can focus on the most important things to the organization.

You might consider bringing in a neutral facilitator or board member to assist in the process of planning your strategic strategy. The person you choose to work with can bring fresh perspectives to the discussion, and help your board take an approach that is more strategic when making decisions.

Distribute the agenda, along with any other pertinent documents, to your board members prior to the meeting. This gives them the chance to review the materials prior to the meeting and be prepared with ideas for the meeting.